What to expect on a Sunday we meet at 10.15am for our service

Worship: We usually start by singing our praises and worship to God, we love to sing a range of songs, old and new. If you don’t know the words, don’t worry, it’s fine you can just listen.

Communion: We celebrate what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross. The bread reminds us that his body was broken for us and the wine that his blood was shed for us. We share this together as a family because Jesus told us to do it.

Prayer: One of the ways we engage with God is through prayer. We spend time bringing the issues facing our world, our area, and ourselves to God. We also would love to pray with you after the service if there is something you want to pray about specifically.

Community: We are the family of God at St James and we enjoy spending time together after the Sunday Service and at other times in the week. Stay for a cuppa and a biscuit after the service.

The Bible: Each week we spend time hearing God’s word and spending time trying to listen to what God is saying through it to us for our lives.

Children: We love to see children worshipping and being part of our church family. There is space for them during the service to explore Jesus and what he means for them.