The work of St James relies on the generosity and financial support of our members and friends.

We believe that a vital part of belonging is helping to build the kingdom of God through our sacrificial giving. Making a regular financial contribution to the work of the local church is not only biblical but a very practical way of standing shoulder to shoulder with the whole church and demonstrating your commitment and support.

How can I give?

Regular Giving

The best way of giving is to set up a monthly Standing Order using the following details:

Account Name:
St James Church Millbrook
Sort Code: 05-02-14
Account Number: 26971610

Gift Aid

If you are a tax payer you can add to your donation by making a Gift Aid declaration.

Please contact our treasurer for more information on how to set this up.

One-Off Giving

To make a one off donation by bank transfer please use the following details:

Account Name:
St James Church Millbrook
Sort Code: 05-02-14
Account Number: 26971610